What happens when a funnel design & execution expert shakes hands with a paid traffic mastermind?

You can pack your bags and go to Hawaii for a week-long vacay.
Or you can build your business and focus only on what matters the most.
In both cases you wake up to the kind of ROI tune you’ve never heard before.

You know what translates to trust in a shaky, shady and foggy marketing world?

Working with marketers who use the same million-dollar automated processes and predefined systems for your YouTube ads and webinar funnels, that they use for their own!

Who’d you rather work with?

Or with Madsgency duo ...

Shifted My Whole Business From Facebook To YouTube …
4x Increase In Results … Saved $6 To $9/Lead

“If you want to grow your business and if you’re looking for an absolutely absolute all-star team that is professional, on the ball, reliable and that can deliver predictable results … Madsgency is the only company to deal with.” ~

Niel Malan

My Business Did $7million Last Year -
Largely With Help Of Hafiz

“What happened is over time I just lost track of everything. I didn’t know if it was ad burnout, the funnel, landing pages or bad targeting. Hafiz was able to figure out our tracking and everything with a very complex kind of multi-touch-point funnel.”

John Crestani

  • It is not your fault if your last YouTube ads optimization and webinar funnel expert left you high and dry and burned out!

    Just like there are so many awesome personal brands, digital entrepreneurs, and coaches like you - eager to help people out of their 9 to 5 grind - there are fake gurus, fail marketers and never-seen-a-funnel Franks out there: eager to go home with easy money.

    Money that wasn’t easy at all when you earned it.​

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  • You’ve been sold a bad bill of goods … and we can see that!

    What you bought from that schmuck for thousands of cold hard dollars, weren’t funnel optimization and ads automation blueprints - but a cheap and salesy video (on his sales page) that he prolly bought on Fiverr for a measly $5. ​
    You trusted that anal-retentive wimp with your funnel - the guy never tried anything new and challenging - not even when it comes to clothing for a first date.
    The self-glorifying “Sifu” who robbed you of your money, sold you a half-arse course that is based on YouTube tutorials and how-to guides and lead-magnets that everyone laughs at.
    We can feel you, but that’s none of your fault! And you cannot let remorse keep your from launching your next big project!
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  • And we can flip the script with automated processes and predefined systems that we use for our own funnels!

    Psst … $1mil ad spend only in 2019
    Aaand we did it for John Crestani, Gavin Stephenson, Niel Malan - and many others - including our own ads.​
    We ACTUALLY achieve for you what others cannot even promise:​
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And The Results Have Been
Mind-Blowing …
Or So Say Our Clients

Stats Speak Louder
Than The
Promises …

How we assured 10x ROI while working for these famous entrepreneurs, coaches, and marketers!



“But American Market-O-Sphere Is Very Nuanced … And You’re Two Tegular Pakistani Dudes … Do you understand English well?

Are you aware of the subtleties of a primarily American market?”

Trust us when we say this, we’ve heard questions like these from many clients that we worked for. And we took them from “Hell no!” to “Hell yeah!” like pros.

When we aren’t getting our hands dirty in ad targeting, post-targeting optimization, funnel making and tweaking, etc., we devour coffee and market research.

We enjoyed the perks of good private education too and we work with native copywriters to make sure

I was worried whether they understand English well and understand the
advertising for a primarily American market? They knocked it out of the park!
Better than the 2 dozen agencies I worked with.

One of my reservations first with working with them was that you know they are Pakistanis and I was like oh my God are they gonna understand English well or all the stuff like advertising to a primarily American market - since there are so many subtleties. They’ve been able to knock it out of the park. I’ve probably worked with 2 dozen different ad agencies last year and among two dozen, Madsgency guys were the best we worked with. Definitely work with them if you do anything like Google or YouTube ads. These guys are monsters.

John Crestani

When you’d hire us (coz there’s no if), your biggest
worry would be to lose us to your competitors.

In a sea full of octopus-like gurus and manta rays of no hope, we’re the mermen that attract people with their beautiful melodies and unavoidable attraction.

This was and will be all about YOU! But at the risk
of boring you … here’s a little About US ...

Hafiz Ahmad Ashfaq:
The Juggler

Hafiz has a better rags-to-riches story to tell you. And you’d buy that story, because today you need such a story.

From a home where he, his parents, and 3 siblings had to live in the same room to a home that he bought and he can truly call his own, his story is amazing.

Hafiz was a student of Gavin Stephenson.

Hafiz has a better rags-to-riches story to tell you. And you’d buy that story, because today you need such a story.

Qadeer Wagriya: The
Lightning in a Bottle

So, you won’t listen to another rags-to-riches-story? Fine! How about from deep-in-debt to the-king-of-his-niche-on-the-internet?

Just like Hafiz, Qadeer also started off as an affiliate marketer. 

However, traffic wasn’t constant and that was mainly because of bad targeting. Qadeer

learned the art to show the right kind of ads to the right kind of traffic to get the right kind of results at the best kind of platform: YouTube.

Ad Men from Madsgency

By the end of 2015, both of them were working in the same market and both of them were aware of each other’s genius. They wanted to play big and affiliate marketing couldn’t quench their thirst.

In 2016 the duo became the first ever Pakistani marketers to introduce webinar funnels to the local market. They were now working together.

By the end of 2016, they moved to the international market coz the grass was actually greener there.

Qadeer’s specialty was paid traffic and ad optimization, while Hafiz was focused on webinar funnel optimization and automation.

From 2016 till date, they’ve been through some major changes like shifting from Facebook ads manager to Google ads, working for mid-tier clients to big shots like Jordan Belfort, and now side by side their done-for-you ad services, they also offer a very thorough and the industry’s most reputable mentorship program.

‘M’ in Madsgency is for morality ...

I know this is another cliche - but we do actually cling on to certain moral values. For example, the students that qualify for our Tube Framework Elite Program, actually get to look over our shoulders and learn the exact same tips, tricks, hacks, and systems that we use to offer insane ROI to our customers.

So advanced in terms of ads and webinars … Masters of the masters …

What I would say overall about them is that they’re the masters of the masters. Meaning, that they’re so advanced that running ads, doing webinars and all the stuff, that they’re teaching the masters and the people that are unknown in the marketplace.

Gavin Stephenson

Helped me stay away from the technical side … The know how to run ads, build funnels and make sales ...

These guys are totally genuine. What they’ve helped me do in my business is step away from the whole technical side, doing funnels, tracking, the kind of stuff I don’t want to do. And they’ve helped me build my business and focus on what’s most important. They know how to run ads, they know how to build funnels that convert and make sales - they’re really good at creating webinar funnels.

Gavin Stephenson

‘M’ in Madsgency is for morality ...

Likewise, the clients that we take on, always love us because we take care of the technical side of the ad optimization, ad automation, targeting, funnel optimization, funnel automation, and other aspects of their evergreen funnels, so they may focus on business development.

‘M’ in Madsgency is for morality ...

In short, we want you to succeed; we show you the ropes; we don’t only know good, but we also do good. If in your world professionalism translates to integrity and honesty - do know that we move up in the same world.

They’re very professional!
They’re kind, caring and they
want you to succeed.

They have amazing services in terms of running ads and making your business successful. My business with them has been nothing but professional; they’re very kind and caring, they want you to succeed. And these guys are totally genuine, they’ve shown me that there are good people out there.

Gavin Stephenson

How do I know that YOU two are a good fit - and not the Sly Joe whose ads I see everyday?

Process, Josephine, process! That thing is called process.

Hafiz “I wear many hats and juggle many balls” Ahmad ...

is the maker of systems and creator of processes at Madsgency.

Qadeer “the lightning in the bottle” Wagriya ...

is known for thorough research and unparalleled paid traffic targeting gimmicks.

Video Testimonials

Play Video
Play Video
Play Video
Play Video

$1Million+ Ad Spend

What we live and lead is a dream within a dream. We run ads, for ourselves as well as for our clients, and via those ads, we get customers who then want us or our clients to teach them how to write and optimize ads or run ads for their services or products. Yes, we also love Inception. Our annual ad spend crossed the barrier of $1million in 2019.

Hafiz has a better rags-to-riches story to tell you. And you’d buy that story, because today you need such a story.

Quacks vs Niche Specialists

Speaking of Inception, how do you like the concept of a niche within a niche? 90% of our ad spend and energies are focused on YouTube. And when it boils down to individual skills, each of us has a very different set of tools to play with and a very different set of challenges to tackle.

Hafiz is funnel optimization expert, while Qadeer is a paid traffic and ad optimization specialist. This is why you get the kind of “specialist treatment” that you cannot expect from quacks.

We Sow Ideas and Nurture Them into Giant Trees

Going with the theme - we don’t just sow ideas in our target market’s brains, but we also nurture those ideas and prune them until they come to fruition. That is, we not only create TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU content for you,

but we also keep on tweaking that content until you start getting the kind of results you want.

All We Ask From You Is To Trust Us - For Once - With Your Next Launch Ads And Funnel. We Promise That We Will Keep The Totem

Done for you Services

Your Brainchild - your business - is not the 101st sheep in a herd. It's differnt.

So you can either buy some scripts and funnel blueprints from Tom Fancy Pant's aka YouTube's resident spammer, thinking that those scripts and blueprints would work for you the same way you worked for him (if they ever did) ......

Here is a list of the done for your services that we offer:


Ready To Scale?

Take the next step in growing your business using digital marketing. Connect with one of our expert digital strategists to learn how Madsgency can help you reach your business goals.

Madsgency™ 2009 - 2020 | Full Service Performance Based Digital Marketing Agency

Address: Kemp House 160 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London, UK